Form1 (Customer Database Table Creation Example Form1 Label1 This example program shows how to create a Paradox database table using the VBENGINE. Examine the source code to see how its done. Command1 Create Table Command2 Create Index Form_Click Command1_Click Customer NewTable TableNameh NFields FieldNames^ FieldTypes status OpenEngine CreateTable CloseEngine0 Command2_Click customers exact AddKey PRIMARY Command1_Click We will declare a variable of type NewTable to create ourr database table Used to detect errors. Our database will consist of 6 fields and have the following structure: Field Type Name A50 Address A50 City A30 State Zip Phone Lets fill in the details of the tables structure heree C:\Customer" Specify the database file name Six fields:Name,Address,City,State,Zip, and Phoned Name,Address,City,State,Zip,Phone" A50,A50,A30,A2,A10,A14 Ok, lets go ahead and create the database table usingg VBENGINE function callss Customer Creation Example" Initialize database engine If an error terminate the programr Database Engine environment could not be initialized!" Create the database tablee If an error terminate the program Customer database could not be created!" Customer database was successfully created!" Tell the user everything is A OK! Now shut-down the database engine environmentd If an error terminate the programi Database engine could not be shut-down!" Command2_Click Here we create a PRIMARY index for the Customer tablee on the Name field. This will be our only key field in the Primary index.. no two customers will be able to have the exact same namee and the table will be sorted alphabeticallyy for error handling Customer Creation Example" Initialize database engine If an error terminate the programt Database Engine environment could not be initialized!" We will use the AddKey function to create the indexx The table name is "C:\CUSTOMER" We want only one key field.. It is Name, the first field in the table.. C:\CUSTOMER" If index creation failed Failed to create Customer index! Customer index successfully created! Now shut-down the database engine environment" If an error terminate the programi Database engine could not be shut-down!"